Sunday, July 12, 2015

6 Facts About Pluto That Must Know


New Horizons spacecraft has a distance of six billion kilometers in more than nine years, before hovering low over the surface of the dwarf planet on July 14 tomorrow.

Now the unmanned vehicle belonging to the US space agency (NASA) was shot at a speed of 50,000 km per hour. New Horizons will gradually slow down when entering the orbit of Pluto, before filling the track with an altitude of 12,500 km above the surface of Pluto.

It is the closest point ever achieved humans with Pluto, dwarf planet in our solar system ends.Throughout his journey New Horizons Pluto has sent a number of photos and two months faithful into satellites. The photographs are images of the first Pluto in color and more detailed.

"The data collected by the New Horizons will not only help us understand more about Pluto, but also to understand how our solar system formed," said Rob Cockcroft, astronomers from McMaster University, Canada.

Here are six facts according to Cockcroft we need to know about Mars, before New Horizons unmasked dwarf planet even further: 

1. The day on Pluto, a week on EarthPluto, despite the smaller size, it may take longer to complete one rotation over its own axis. As a result one day in Pluto equal to 6.5 Earth days - almost a week on Earth. In addition, because it lies at the outermost point of the solar system, Pluto takes longer to orbit the sun. As a result, a year on Pluto is equal to 248 Earth years. 

2. Layered icePluto is actually composed of rocks, covered by thin ice. The planet's surface is covered by frozen nitrogen and most likely there is also frozen water stored on the sidelines of rock and frozen nitrogen. 

3. SweatingPluto's atmosphere was like having Earth. 100,000 Pluto's atmosphere is thinner than Earth, because it could dwarf planet "sweating". That is, nitrogen frozen in Pluto's surface directly into the gas (liquid need not be used), and go up into the sky. As a result, Pluto has a very thin atmosphere. 

4. Elliptical OrbitOn the average, Pluto is 40 times farther away than the Earth is to mahatari. But that distance can vary, because Pluto's orbit is elliptical. At the farthest point, the distance to the sun can be equivalent to 50 times the distance of Earth to the sun. The closest point distance can be just equal to 39 times the distance of Earth to the sun. The distance from the Sun to Pluto ranges between 4.4 billion km to 7.4 billion km. 

5. Season extremesSeasons on Pluto extreme and long periods. Season caused by the tilt toward the Sun planet. For comparison, the Earth has at most four seasons, slope angle of about 23.5 degrees toward the sun. Pluto, at the end of the solar system, has a slope of 120 degrees toward the sun. 

6. Unique MonthThere is the same about the relationship of Pluto and its largest moon, Charon with the Earth and the Moon. Because its orbit models, Charon same surface that will always be visible from Pluto. Just like the surface of the Moon from the Earth.But there is also a difference. Charon only looked at the same point in the sky Pluto. That is, if there are in other parts of Pluto, you will not be able to enjoy a light Charon at night.

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